Wednesday, July 17, 2013

In His Arms

Sorry that it's been so long since I last updated the blog. So many things has happened since I last posted the last post. There are so much to share, but right now I just want to share something that it's deep in my heart.

Some of you probably have heard that I have been sick. I have been resting at home for almost a week now. I am still not quite there yet, but I am doing better. Thank you so much for your prayers, it has brought me so much peace and healing. 

Since Andrew and I arrived in Pemba my stomach hasn't been normal and I have been sick a lot. It has been really really hard for me to be resting home when what I want is to be out there with the Mamas, loving them and to see the visions and ideas that God gave us to come alive. It's been really hard when my body strength limits what I can do.

In the beginning of this week when I started getting sick and really weak again. I have to say that I got really really upset and frustrated and I have let it steal my joy... But as I cry in Daddy's arm and express my frustration to him, He calms me down and comforts me.

I am so overwhelmed with the fact that as His children we never lack anything. His protection, care and love for us surpasses any sickness and difficulties. Here as I lay and rest, I find so much joy and thanksgiving to be alive and to be my Father's

I still don't agree with any sickness. We are rejecting and rebuking all sickness in Jesus' name. There are lots of spiritual battle right now! This week is the second week of ramadan (when all muslims pray and fast for two weeks). So we really need extra prayer for protection and strength

When we seek Him in desperation and open heart, He reveals his secrets. He takes us to a deeper intimacy. I am learning more and more that this is something that we always have to fight for, to choose to be dependent to our Father and to not let our pride be the one that directs us but the Holy Spirit.

Here is a little bit of my love journey with my Father. We have such a good Father! Even when we are not doing well we never lack anything! How blessed are His sons and daughters. Let us laugh and rejoice! Let us crush any lies and any depression! Victory and Joy is always ours!

Thank you so much for reading this.
Andrew and I love you all so much!
Your prayers are so powerful and means so so much for us.

May God's love and peace follows you