Sunday, October 21, 2012

Gently He Whispered to My Heart 'I Got It My Daughter'

Wow, I have been here for almost a month now. The time is moving so fast but at the same time I feel like so many things has happened and feel like I have never felt this land. Everyday is a new and different day. The Lord is teaching me so much in how to treasure every single day.

The first day of work with Mercy (Woman / Mama's ministry) was so amazing!  It feels so perfect and right. There is no place in my heart and spirit that doesn't speak out that this is what I am called to do. I am where I should be :). It feels so wonderful and perfect to be back in Pemba.  I have learnt so much… and am still learning so much...  I cannot help but to fall more and more in love with this nation.

On my first day, I also got to go to the village to visit two of our Mama's house :)… and the Lord blessed me with a chance to share His love and Word. Two man received Jesus there, it was just so beautiful. I love it! Thank you Jesus!

Day's in Pemba can be challenging and heavy sometimes.  With Mamas, disables, refugees knocking in the door with different needs. But there is fresh grace for me everyday and Joy of the Lord is always present, giving me strength to carry on. But I have to say it can be overwhelming sometimes... I long to stop for everyone, but I can't! Good thing is that I found out that we are not called to stop for everyone but only the ones that He hand picked for each of us to stop.

One morning when I arrived at the office I saw my dear friend Filomena waiting, I have known her for about two years. She is very precious and dear to me. She loves to dance ^^, teach me Makua, she would repeat the word for me a thousand time until I get it.  She always carries the Joy of the Lord. That morning she looked really sad, then I found out that her sister died that morning and her sister has three children. She is already taking care of five children, and is already struggling to feed them, she can't imagine taking care of another three children but it is not a question for her.

She told me that she will travel to her sister's village and take them home with her. It really broke my heart. I couldn't do much, I couldn't do as much as my hearts desires. I want to help her take care of the children, go to the village, mourn with her and be with them. I sat there, hug her tight, prayed and cried with her. I cried 'Lord contort her heart'. There the Lord gently said to my heart 'I got it Dira. I am taking care of her, I will not let her be alone'.

Then right there I felt the heaviness lifted. The Lord is good and He is enough! More than enough! Enough for every Mama, enough for Mozambique; and enough for every face on earth. He got it :). This is just one of the mama's story, there is so much more. The Lord has blessed me with the gift of meeting beautiful mama's everyday, letting me love them together with Him and seeing Him move powerfully.

There is HOPE. Hope is at hand as the Kingdom of God is at hand.

Being here and doing what the Lord blessed me with is increasing my trust and confidence in Him. Confident that there is always enough and a revelation that I do not have to do anything with my own strength. He got it, has it and know it. Our part is to be obedient, hold His hands and do what he called us to do with Him :). What a beautiful calling we have :).

I work with an amazing team here. Our ministry is called Mercy Ministry. We are focusing our ministry mainly with the woman in the area. But we also serve some their families, disables and the elderlies. We have discipleship groups :D, teach them different skills and help them with practical needs :). Love them, be there for them when they are in need and be family with them. :) I truly love what I get to do.

The Lord is giving us so much strategies and revelations. We are so excited! I can see in my spirit, the Mamas becoming so confident, secure and strong in Christ. Be pure and holy ambassador of Christ. I see these Mama's dreaming and seeing their dreams becoming reality. This is just the beginning, I cannot wait to see these visions with my physical eyes. It is happening :D! Hope is here!

... I only have a little to give, but I will pour it all out Lord as You always pour your pure love to my soul. I am a blessed daughter, for my cup will never be empty for You are always pouring your Love to my soul. :) We are blessed!

I have few prayer request. In about two weeks I am planning to go to Maputo to get Visa for America :). Pray for favor from the embassy. The time is really moving fast, Andrew and I are planning to go to America in less than two months … please pray for provision and wisdom.

Thank you so so much for your love, prayers and support.
May Papa bless you all abundantly with sweet and heavenly things.

With lots of love

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